Who We Are

Our Team

CSL Network

The Coalition for Sustainable Livelihoods (CSL) is a multi-stakeholder group, with members from civil society and the private sector, as well as participation from local communities and producers, working collectively to achieve a common vision.

We work together to support governments to achieve sustainable livelihoods in North Sumatra and Aceh Provinces, with the goal of ensuring benefits reach all stakeholders in the region:

CSL Secretariat:

CSL is led by a small Secretariat. The Secretariat manages the day-to-day operations of the platform, including coordination and engagement with CSL members and network of stakeholders.

The Secretariat works closely with the CSL Steering Committee, made up of CSL members who guide CSL’s long-term strategy and business planning, approve the annual platform workplan, and ensure resources are utilized effectively.

Our Members

CSL members include companies and NGOs who are playing an active role investing in, supporting, and/or implementing existing or starting new district-level initiatives and Platform-supported activities across North Sumatra and Aceh.

CSL’s membership is critical to its success, contributing important financial, in-kind, technical, and intellectual resources to advance CSL’s efforts to leverage collective action to accelerate and scale sustainable development. In return, members have the opportunity to serve on CSL’s Steering Committee, helping to guide the strategic direction and ensure the effectiveness of the CSL Platform. This includes providing oversight and strategic input to the development of annual workplans and activities, the allocation of CSL resources, and design and execution of Platform activities, such as exchanges and dialogues.

To demonstrate their commitment to CSL’s vision, members are required to publicly state their commitment to sustainable production, conservation and restoration and report transparently on their activities or investments in the region. Find out more about membership here.

Private Sector: Improved engagement and alignment with local stakeholders and government priorities reduces risk and contributes to achievement of sustainable supply chain commitments.

Smallholder Farmers: Improved production increases farmer productivity and income and enhances access to markets seeking sustainable products.

Government: Strengthened government programs and capacity combined with enhanced investment aligned with local priorities for conservation and sustained economic development improves North Sumatra and Aceh’s role in global supply chains.

Civil Society Organizations: Strengthened capacity for program implementation, access to shared knowledge and resources, and improved efficiency through alignment with stakeholders increases effectiveness of sustainable landscape approaches.

Provide strategic advice/guidance to Secretariat on CSL objectives, programs, priorities​


Not a standing committee; direct engagement to bring government input into CSL strategic decision making.​

Facilitates alignment between government & CSL objectives​

Steering Committee​

Includes CSL Members​

Provides Secretariat with strategic support & guidance, including reviewing and approving CSL Members​

Approves annual workplan & budgets​

Ad Hoc Working Groups​

Members, local stakeholders, experts​


Overseen by Secretariat; informed by
Supervisory Board, Secretariat, CSL Members​

Advance specific tasks/outputs to
support CSL objectives​

CSL Network Annual Meeting

  • Primary communications and engagement mechanism to bring together Platform Network, including all CSL Members; Observers; Invitees ​

  • Facilitated by Secretariat; agenda will be reviewed and approved by Steering Committee​

  • Open dialogue to guide CSL priorities/workplan for following year; gain alignment/input on strategic direction; foster shared learnings/connections​

Communities: Improved forest management for long-term use provides alternative income options and reduces risks of floods and landslides.

CSL members include:

Our History

CSL was first convened in 2018, when a small group of initial supporters identified a need for greater collaboration across North Sumatra and Aceh Provinces. This group, along with over 100 stakeholders from government, business, civil society and academia, came together in a collaborative planning workshop to set a common vision for CSL, where livelihoods are at the center of sustainable development. Recognizing the need for continued collaboration, CSL became a platform to facilitate engagement and alignment across stakeholders on four key themes: developing and advancing action plans for District Initiatives, aligning around common targets, growing collaboration through CSL, and establishing appropriate governance structures/processes for CSL.

A second workshop, held in 2019, brought together roughly 130 stakeholders from government, private sector, and civil society, who agreed to the continued need for a standing platform for collaboration and coordination, successfully paving a path forward to shift CSL from a concept to a reality.

We thank our initial supporters for their historical financial and in-kind contributions which allowed for the launch and development of CSL: Barry Callebaut, Conservation International (CI), Earthworm Foundation, The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH), The Livelihoods Fund, Mars Wrigley, Mondelēz International, PepsiCo, Unilever, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Walmart Foundation.

Join us!

We invite government representatives, producers, private sector, finance institutions, civil society and regional and international NGOs to join us in this journey for collective action for sustainable development.