Coalition for Sustainable Livelihoods

Driving collective action and investment to achieve shared goals for sustainable development in North Sumatra and Aceh provinces in Indonesia.

The Coalition for Sustainable Livelihoods (CSL) is a platform that brings together all stakeholders – including government, companies, producers, communities and civil society – committed to sustainable development in North Sumatra and Aceh.

CSL drives collective action to achieve shared goals for:

  • Improved Smallholder Livelihoods

  • Sustainable Commodity Production

  • Conservation of Critical Natural Resources

Why is collective action necessary for sustainable development?

Smallholders and surrounding communities currently face significant challenges, from low crop yields and environmental degradation, to a need for improved access to technical assistance and finance. Stakeholders across the region – including government, companies, farmers, communities and civil society – recognize these issues and are working on solutions.

  • Action Plans

    Provincial and district governments in North Sumatra and Aceh have established sustainable development plans and targets for production and conservation – such as the Production, Protection, and Inclusion Compact in Aceh Tamiang and the Action Plan for Sustainable Palm Oil in the South Tapanuli District.

  • Capacity Building

    Producers and government extension officers are training smallholders in good agricultural practices and certifications such as Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO).

  • Partnerships

    Global companies are sourcing sustainably produced commodities and partnering with non-governmental organizations to implement conservation, restoration, and sustainable production projects on the ground.

Each stakeholder is contributing an important piece of the puzzle. However, some of the pieces are still missing or have yet to be connected. This can lead to missed opportunities or to producers and regions being left behind. In order to reach the ambitious goals shared across stakeholders in North Sumatra and Aceh, these individual projects and efforts will need to be scaled, replicated and linked across the landscape.

CSL – A Place-Based Approach to Collective Action

This is where CSL comes in. CSL addresses this problem by bringing together a network of public, private and civil society stakeholders to collaborate, sharing knowledge to bridge and align individual efforts across North Sumatra and Aceh.

CSL members work together to solve problems and demonstrate positive impacts for people and nature by strengthening coordination and communication across stakeholder groups, facilitating shared learning to replicate and scale successful models and solutions, and encouraging improved integration of livelihoods, production and conservation across current initiatives.

Through this approach, CSL aims to enhance collaboration and collective action to achieve common objectives for strengthening smallholder livelihoods, sustainable production and conservation in North Sumatra and Aceh.

Join us!

There’s a place for everyone in the CSL — we need you to bring your voice, ideas and expertise to help us demonstrate a positive pathway for sustainable development.