Our Approach

A Platform to Support Livelihoods, Sustainable Production, & Natural Resource Management

Our Vision

By 2030, communities and farmers in North Sumatra and Aceh are thriving, natural resources are well-managed, economies deliver sustained and equitable benefits, and appropriate governance systems are in place to support continuous improvement.

Our Goals

CSL members aim to support and advance pathways for provincial- and district-driven development plans and targets for sustainable production, livelihoods, and conservation.

Collectively, through the CSL network of members and partners, we aim to:

Increase Sustainable Production

Improve Smallholder Livelihoods

Protect, Restore, and Improve Management of Natural Resources

Our Approach

CSL builds the connections needed to bring together stakeholders and initiatives at multiple levels – across supply chains and commodities, across districts and provinces – to remove barriers and share solutions for sustainable development.

We do this by

Facilitating alignment

Across the CSL network of government, private sector and civil society stakeholders to identify opportunities for co-investment and collaboration to achieve shared goals, objectives and targets; to identify areas where private sector investment can support provincial and district government policy and programs; and to jointly develop common action plans to guide interventions and track progress of member-led district initiatives and platform activities toward key CSL objectives.

Sharing knowledge

Through exchanges and dialogues, workshops and meetings, and public outreach and communications to enable collaboration and innovation across stakeholders, initiatives, and sectors; to build on and replicate successful tools and approaches, as well as to share hard earned lessons; to understand local needs and strengthen technical and institutional capacity across a network of stakeholders and landscapes.

Leveraging funding

Finance streams to unlock greater investment in provincial, district and landscape priorities by sharing stories, successes and lessons learned from CSL members; demonstrating progress toward sustainable development targets; identifying opportunities for public and private investment through government-led Sustainable Investment Action Plans; and building a network of partners, projects, and initiatives.

Join us!

There’s a place for everyone in the CSL — we need you to bring your voice, ideas and expertise to help us demonstrate a positive pathway for sustainable development.